How to Avoid Having to See the Chiropractor
Let’s be honest.
It’s a bittersweet interaction when someone approaches our office for care. We are upset that they have had some misfortune in regards to their health that has caused them to seek restoration for pain, or dysfunction.. HOWEVER, I am ALWAYS glad they chose us!
Chiropractor Tips
It is my pleasure to always help people find resolution for common ailments, and pain; however, prevention is always our top priority with anything health related. I always try to offer up whatever advice I can to make sure you never have to end up picking up the phone and giving us a call!
Here are some easy tips, and changes you can implement immediately to make sure you don’t end up in our office:
- Avoid HEAD TRAUMA at all costs – When people make appointments with our office seeking help with things like headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, IBS/Chron’s, neck pain, or arm tingling/pain, I usually can always relate it back to a previous trauma to the head or neck in the past. This one is pretty obvious, but avoid any car wrecks, falls, sporting accidents, improper sleep, or positioning of the head or neck, at all costs!
- When sleeping, napping, or travelling, always use the proper pillow – Getting proper and adequate rest, and using the proper pillow to keep proper spinal alignment is always a safe way to help prevent spinal problems. I recommend a dog bone pillow, and for taking the time to read this blog, I am willing to give you a free one on ME! Just click here to reserve a time to come pick it up!
- Get in 15,000 steps a day, and eat only single ingredient foods – I recently did an online podcast with one of the most highly sought after, and respected health and wellness experts, Dan Miller, and on that interview he dropped that health nugget. He guarantees that if you were to just simply get in 15,000 steps a day, and only eat single ingredient foods for 30 days that you will drop a shocking amount of weight, which is awesome for spinal health, and function. You can catch that entire interview by clicking here
I hope these help!
Incorporate them, and I hope it keeps you healthy, well, vibrant, and THRIVING! If you have tried these, and more, and cannot seem to get a handle on whatever it is that has been ailing you, remember, you can always schedule a 15 minute complimentary consultation here,, and I would be glad to help you figure out what the next logical step in your healing journey is!
Yours in health,
Dr. Grant Dennis