- Take the medication that has been perscribed by your primary care doctor.
- Explore some sort of alterantive route first before resulting to taking a medication.
If you’re one of those that the idea of you first resulting to a medication such as Bystolic, and other beta-blocker, and ACE inhibitors that you have been told, or read, have side effects including frequent urination, narcolepsy (sleep walking), weight gain, numbness, and tingling, fatigue, insomnia, or more, leaves you feeling way more comfortable living in the realm of option two to start off with, then you’re on to something here. If the idea of you having to be on this medication for the rest of your life, has you at an unrest; give this route a try first.
According to WebMD along with several recent articles by Men’s Journal magazine, drinking 8 ounces of beet juice a day, has been shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure by as much as 10 points, in both systolic, and diastolic blood pressure. Because beets are very rich in nitric oxide, the juice from beets have vasodilative properties, which means it allows for blood vessels to expand, resulting in a lower pressure naturally. Most sites will tell you that consistent exercise, less salt intake, stress-relief meditation, nutritional changes will also result in lower blood pressure, and they will! However, this one is one not many know about, as well conservative nervous system management through chiropractic care. All of these aforementioned things, can be a blue print to evading the relationship with blood pressure medications all naturally. Give it a whirl, and see if it might help out!
Dr. Grant, drgrantdennis.com, 501-420-2815